Plant Guide

Shade-tolerant plants

Before selecting plants for your site, it’s important to take note of the level of shade they will be receiving. The amount of shade a plant receives will directly affect the density of the foliage, as well as the flowering and fruiting characteristics. Young’s Greenhouse offers a variety of shade-tolerant plants that will thrive in various levels of sunlight.

View Our Recommended Shade-Tolerant Plants

Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip

Bergenia cord Winterglut
Bergenia Shoeshine Rose
Vinca minor Bowles Cunningham
Vinca minor Illuminatn#


Ground cover perennials and shrubs

If you’re looking for low-maintenance landscaping solutions, ground cover perennials and shrubs are the answer! Ground cover plants are good for areas you don’t want to mow, but that you may still want to walk on – like steep slopes or areas with prominent tree roots. Many of the ground covers at Young’s Greenhouse are beautiful when in bloom, so they are aesthetically pleasing and functional!

Ask a friendly Young’s Greenhouse associate to help you select a ground cover perennial or shrub that will be vigorous enough to cover the area of the landscape you need, but that won’t become a nuisance.

View Our Recommended Ground Cover Perennials and Shrubs

Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Artemisia schmid Silver Mound
Delosp Jewl Desrt Garnet#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Peridot#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Ruby#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Topaz#
Delosp Rock Crystal Orange#
Delosp Rock Crystal Yellow#
Delosp WhelsWndr Pink Hot#
Delosp WhelsWndr Violet#
Lami mac Beacon Silver
Lami mac Orchid Frost
Lami mac Pink Pewter
Lami mac Red Nancy
Lami mac Shell Pink
Lami mac White Nancy

Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Artemisia schmid Silver Mound
Delosp Jewl Desrt Garnet#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Peridot#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Ruby#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Topaz#
Delosp Rock Crystal Orange#
Delosp Rock Crystal Yellow#
Delosp WhelsWndr Pink Hot#
Delosp WhelsWndr Violet#
Lami mac Beacon Silver
Lami mac Orchid Frost
Lami mac Pink Pewter
Lami mac Red Nancy
Lami mac Shell Pink
Lami mac White Nancy

Rock garden perennials

A rock garden, or alpine garden, is an area designed with a hardscape of rocks, stone and gravel. If you’re looking for softscape plants suitable for a rock garden, a friendly Young’s Greenhouse associate will be glad to help you choose plants to enhance your rockscape.

View Our Recommended Perennials for Rock Gardens

Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Alchemilla mollis Thriller
AlyssumSP wulf Golden Spring#
Artemisia schmid Silver Mound
Artemisia Silver Brocade
AsterSP Island Barbados#
AsterSP Island Samoa#
Campanula Pristar Blue Deep
Campanula Pristar White
Cerastium tomentosum
Delosp Jewl Desrt Garnet#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Peridot#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Ruby#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Topaz#
Delosp Rock Crystal Orange#
Delosp Rock Crystal Yellow#
Delosp WhelsWndr Pink Hot#
Delosp WhelsWndr Violet#
Dian Amer Pie Georgia Pch Pie#
Dian Barbarini Mix
Dian Barbarini Purple Bcol
Dian Barbarini Red Pcot
Dian Cnstnt Cadnce Raspbry#
Dian Everlast Orchid#
Dian Everlast Pink Lt Eye#
Dian Everlast White Eye#
Dian Odessa Amy#
Dian Odessa Ceris Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Orng Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Red#
Dian Olivia Bella#
Dian Olivia Cherry#
Dian Olivia Wild#
Euphorbia polychroma
Gaillardia Arizona Red Sh
Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Gaillardia Goblin
Gaillardia Mesa Bcol Bright
Gypsophila Filou Rose
Gypsophila Filou White
Heuchera Carnival Cocomint#
Heuchera Carnival Limeade#
Heuchera Carnival Watermelon#
Heuchera Fire Chief#
Iberis Pink Ice#
Iberis semp Snow Cone Ipd
LobeliaSP card Queen Victoria
Lychnis Petit Henri
Lysimachia num Goldi
Oenothera missouriensis
Orn Oregano rotund Kirigami
Penstemon Husker Red
Penstemon Red Rocks
Platycodon Astra Blue
Platycodon Astra Pink
Platycodon PopStar Pink
Sagina Crispy
Sagina subulata
Sedum album Coral Carpet
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum kamt Variegatum
Sedum Lemon Ball
Sedum Mix Roof Top Garden
Sedum Pizzazz#
Sedum Sunsparkler Blue Elf#
Sedum Sunsparkler CherryTart#
Sedum Sunsparkler Dazzleberry#
Sedum Sunsparkler Firecracker#
Sedum Sunsparkler Jade Tuffet#
Sedum Sunsparkler Lime Zinger#
Sempervivum Cobweb
Sempervivum Mix Hardy Species
Sempervivum Red Beauty
Sempervivum Sunset

Perennials for wet soil

Many plants will not grow well in soils that are constantly moist or wet. However, there are a number of plants that are tolerant of and have adapted to perform well under these conditions. Ask a friendly Young’s Greenhouse associate to help you choose the best perennials for wet areas of your landscape.

View Our Recommended Perennials for Wet Soil

Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Alchemilla mollis Thriller
Bergenia cord Winterglut
Bergenia Shoeshine Rose
Digitalis Camelot Lavender
Digitalis Camelot Rose
Digitalis Camelot White
Digitalis Dalmatian Peach
Hibiscus Brandy Punch#
Hibiscus Cinnamon Grappa#
Hibiscus Peppermint Schnapps#
Liatris spicata
Liatris spicata White

LobeliaSP card Queen Victoria
LobeliaSP cardinalis
Lysimachia num Goldi
Lysimachia Sunburst
Monarda Balmy Lilac#
Monarda Balmy Pink#
Monarda Balmy Purple#
Monarda Balmy Rose#
Monarda didyma Jacob Cline
Oenothera missouriensis
Orn Oregano rotund Kirigami
Physostegia Crystal Peak Wht
Platycodon Astra Blue
Platycodon Astra Pink
Platycodon PopStar Pink
Tradescantia Concord Grape
Tradescantia Sweet Kate

Perennials that attract butterflies and hummingbirds

If you’re looking to attract butterflies and hummingbirds, we suggest planting pollinator-friendly perennials. Our friendly Young’s Greenhouse associates can help you choose nectar and pollen-rich plants that our flying friends will love.

View Perennials that Attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Achillea Heartthrob
Achillea Moonshine
Achillea TutFrt Aprct Dlight#
Achillea TutFrt Pomegranate#
Achillea TutFrt Wndrfl Wampee#
Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Alcea Spring Celeb Carm Rose
Alcea Spring Celeb Crimson
Alcea Spring Celeb Lemon
Alcea Spring Celeb Pink
Alcea Spring Celeb Purple
AlyssumSP wulf Golden Spring#
Bergenia cord Winterglut
Bergenia Shoeshine Rose
Buddleia Buzz Hot Raspberry#
Buddleia Buzz Midnight#
Buddleia Buzz Sky Blue#
Coreopsis BBang Mercury Risng#
Coreopsis grandif Sunfire
Coreopsis grandif SunKiss
Coreopsis Solanna Gldn Sphere#
Coreopsis Sunny Day#
Coreopsis Szl&Spc Curry Up#
Delph Delphina Blue Dk Blk B
Delph Delphina Blue Lt Wht B
Delph Delphina Rose White Bee
Delph Summer Cloud
Delph Summer Morning
Delph Summer Nights
Dian Amer Pie Georgia Pch Pie#
Dian Barbarini Mix
Dian Barbarini Purple Bcol
Dian Barbarini Red Pcot
Dian Cnstnt Cadnce Raspbry#
Dian Everlast Orchid#
Dian Everlast Pink Lt Eye#
Dian Everlast White Eye#
Dian Odessa Amy#
Dian Odessa Ceris Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Orng Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Red#
Dian Olivia Bella#
Dian Olivia Cherry#
Dian Olivia Wild#
Digitalis Camelot Lavender
Digitalis Camelot Rose
Digitalis Camelot White
Digitalis Dalmatian Peach
Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit
Echinacea PowWow White
Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry
Echinacea pur Green Twister
Echinacea pur Magnus
Echinacea pur Magnus Superior
Echinops ritro
Eryngium planum Blue Glitter
Eryngium planum Blue Hobbit
Eupatorium rug Chocolate
Gaillardia Arizona Red Sh
Gaillardia Arizona Sun
Gaillardia Goblin
Gaillardia Mesa Bcol Bright
Gaillardia SpinTop Orng Halo#
Gaillardia SpinTop Red Strbst#
Gaillardia SpinTop Red#
Gaillardia SpinTop Yel Touch#
Gaura Bantam Pink#
Gaura Gaudi Pink#
Gaura Gaudi Red#

Gaura lind Rosyjane#
Gypsophila Filou Rose
Gypsophila Filou White
Heuchera ame Marvlous Mrbl Slv
Heuchera Carnival Cocomint#
Heuchera Carnival Limeade#
Heuchera Carnival Watermelon#
Heuchera Fire Chief#
Heuchera Forever Purple#
Heuchera Forever Purple#
Heuchera mic Palace Purple
Iberis Pink Ice#
Iberis semp Snow Cone Ipd
Kniphofia Flamenco Mix
Leucan Alaska
Leucan Becky
Leucan Crazy Daisy
Leucan Lancaster Betsy#
Leucan Real Neat#
Leucan Snow Lady
Leucan Snowcap
Leucan Whoops A Daisy#
Lupin Gallery Mini Blue
Lupin Gallery Mini Pink
Lupin Gallery Mini Pink Bcol
Lupin Gallery Mini Yellow
Lupin Staircase Blue
Lupin Staircase Blue Dk Yel
Lupin Staircase Orange
Monarda Balmy Lilac#
Monarda Balmy Pink#
Monarda Balmy Purple#
Monarda Balmy Rose#
Monarda didyma Jacob Cline
Nepeta faas Walkers Low
Nepeta Six Hills Gt
Perovskia atrip Bl Jean Baby#
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Phlox Fashnbly Erly Flamingo#
Phlox Fashnbly Erly Lav Ice#
Phlox Ka-Pow Lavender#
Phlox Ka-Pow Pink#
Phlox Ka-Pow Purple#
Phlox Ka-Pow White Bicolor#
Polemonium bor Heavenly Habit
Rudbeckia Autumn Colors
Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy
Rudbeckia Denver Daisy
Rudbeckia ful Goldsturm
Rudbeckia Indian Summer
Rudbeckia Prairie Sun
SalviaSP nem Lyrical Rose#
SalviaSP nem Lyrical White#
SalviaSP nem May Night
SalviaSP Swifty Rose#
Scabiosa col Butterfly Blue
Scabiosa Flutter Blue Deep#
Scabiosa Flutter Rose Pink#
Scabiosa Flutter White Pure#
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum kamt Variegatum
Sedum Lemon Ball
Sedum Mix Roof Top Garden
Sedum Pizzazz#
Sedum Sunsparkler Blue Elf#
Sedum Sunsparkler CherryTart#
Sedum Sunsparkler Dazzleberry#
Sedum Sunsparkler Firecracker#
Sedum Sunsparkler Jade Tuffet#
Sedum Sunsparkler Lime Zinger#
Veronica Moody Blues Blue Sky#
Veronica Moody Blues Pink Dk#
Veronica Royal Candles#
Veronica Sunnyborder Blue

Deer-resistant perennials

While no plant is completely deer-proof, there are some plants that deter deer.  If you have a deer problem in your neighborhood, Young’s Greenhouse can help you choose the best deer-resistant perennials for your landscape.

View Perennials that are Deer-Resistant

Achillea Heartthrob
Achillea Moonshine
Achillea TutFrt Aprct Dlight#
Achillea TutFrt Pomegranate#
Achillea TutFrt Wndrfl Wampee#
Ajuga rep Black Scallop#
Ajuga rep Bronze Beauty
Ajuga rep Burgundy Glow
Ajuga rep Catlins Giant
Ajuga teno Chocolate Chip
Artemisia arbor Powis Castle
Artemisia Makana Silver#
Artemisia schmid Silver Mound
Artemisia Silver Brocade
Bergenia cord Winterglut
Bergenia Shoeshine Rose
Buddleia Buzz Hot Raspberry#
Buddleia Buzz Midnight#
Buddleia Buzz Sky Blue#
Campanula Champion Blue
Campanula Champion Pink
Campanula Champion White
Campanula Pristar Blue Deep
Campanula Pristar White
Campanula Rapido Blue
Coreopsis BBang Mercury Risng#
Coreopsis grandif Sunfire
Coreopsis grandif SunKiss
Coreopsis Solanna Gldn Sphere#
Coreopsis Sunny Day#
Coreopsis Szl&Spc Curry Up#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Garnet#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Peridot#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Ruby#
Delosp Jewl Desrt Topaz#
Delosp Rock Crystal Orange#
Delosp Rock Crystal Yellow#
Delosp WhelsWndr Pink Hot#
Delosp WhelsWndr Violet#
Delph Delphina Blue Dk Blk B
Delph Delphina Blue Lt Wht B
Delph Delphina Rose White Bee
Delph Summer Cloud
Delph Summer Morning
Delph Summer Nights
Dian Amer Pie Georgia Pch Pie#
Dian Barbarini Mix
Dian Barbarini Purple Bcol
Dian Barbarini Red Pcot
Dian Cnstnt Cadnce Raspbry#
Dian Everlast Orchid#
Dian Everlast Pink Lt Eye#
Dian Everlast White Eye#
Dian Odessa Amy#
Dian Odessa Ceris Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Orng Bling Bling#
Dian Odessa Red#
Dian Olivia Bella#
Dian Olivia Cherry#
Dian Olivia Wild#
Digitalis Camelot Lavender
Digitalis Camelot Rose
Digitalis Camelot White
Digitalis Dalmatian Peach
Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit
Echinacea PowWow White
Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry
Echinacea pur Green Twister
Echinacea pur Magnus
Echinacea pur Magnus Superior
Eupatorium rug Chocolate
Euphorbia polychroma
Gaillardia Arizona Red Sh
Gaillardia Arizona Sun
Gaillardia Goblin
Gaillardia Mesa Bcol Bright
Gaillardia SpinTop Orng Halo#
Gaillardia SpinTop Red Strbst#
Gaillardia SpinTop Red#
Gaillardia SpinTop Yel Touch#
Gypsophila Filou Rose
Gypsophila Filou White
Heuchera ame Marvlous Mrbl Slv
Heuchera Carnival Cocomint#

Heuchera Carnival Limeade#
Heuchera Carnival Watermelon#
Heuchera Fire Chief#
Heuchera Forever Purple#
Heuchera Forever Purple#
Heuchera mic Palace Purple
Iberis Pink Ice#
Iberis semp Snow Cone Ipd
Kniphofia Flamenco Mix
Lami mac Beacon Silver
Lami mac Orchid Frost
Lami mac Pink Pewter
Lami mac Red Nancy
Lami mac Shell Pink
Lami mac White Nancy
Leucan Alaska
Leucan Becky
Leucan Crazy Daisy
Leucan Lancaster Betsy#
Leucan Real Neat#
Leucan Snow Lady
Leucan Snowcap
Leucan Whoops A Daisy#
Monarda Balmy Lilac#
Monarda Balmy Pink#
Monarda Balmy Purple#
Monarda Balmy Rose#
Monarda didyma Jacob Cline
Nepeta faas Walkers Low
Nepeta Six Hills Gt
Oenothera missouriensis
Orn Oregano rotund Kirigami
Papaver orient Allegro
Papaver orient Frt Punch
Papaver orient Orange Scarlet
Papaver orient Prin Vic Luise
Papaver orient Royal Wedding
Papaver Spring Fever Orange
Papaver Spring Fever Red
Perovskia atrip Bl Jean Baby#
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Platycodon Astra Blue
Platycodon Astra Pink
Platycodon PopStar Pink
Polemonium bor Heavenly Habit
Rudbeckia Autumn Colors
Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy
Rudbeckia Denver Daisy
Rudbeckia ful Goldsturm
Rudbeckia Indian Summer
Rudbeckia Prairie Sun
SalviaSP nem Lyrical Rose#
SalviaSP nem Lyrical White#
SalviaSP nem May Night
SalviaSP Swifty Rose#
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum kamt Variegatum
Sedum Lemon Ball
Sedum Mix Roof Top Garden
Sedum Pizzazz#
Sedum Sunsparkler Blue Elf#
Sedum Sunsparkler CherryTart#
Sedum Sunsparkler Dazzleberry#
Sedum Sunsparkler Firecracker#
Sedum Sunsparkler Jade Tuffet#
Sedum Sunsparkler Lime Zinger#
Sempervivum Cobweb
Sempervivum Mix Hardy Species
Sempervivum Red Beauty
Sempervivum Sunset
Stachys Helene Von Stein
Tradescantia Concord Grape
Tradescantia Sweet Kate
Veronica Moody Blues Blue Sky#
Veronica Moody Blues Pink Dk#
Veronica Royal Candles#
Veronica Sunnyborder Blue
Vinca minor Bowles Cunningham
Vinca minor Illuminatn#