
Grasses add texture and beauty to landscapes.  We always have a large selection in many sizes.

Check out the list of our grasses offered below!

*Please note, all products and plants listed are subject to availability.

Gallery of some of our Grass types. (Inventory always changes)

Full List of our Grass types

GR Cyperus invol Baby Tut
GR Cyperus invol Baby Tut
GR Cyperus papyr King Tut
GR Cyperus papyr Prince Tut
GR Dracaena indivisa
GR Juncus inflex Blue Mohawk
GR Pennisetum seta Fireworks#
GR Pennisetum seta Rubrum
GR Pennisetum seta Skyrocket#
GR Pennisetum Vertigo#