Beef Specialty Cuts

A Young Girls Farm offers farm-fresh beef that has been humanely raised and processed. Our beef is a combination of grass-fed and grain-fed Maine-Anjou and Chianina cattle raised on the farm at Young’s Greenhouse by Young Girls Farm.

Our special cuts are offered year-round and are based on availability. We stock our freezer with our special cuts that are packaged for individuals and families. Our steaks are packaged in single steak and two steak packs. Our roasts and stew meat are packaged in portions an individual or a family would use.

Stop by Young’s Greenhouse during our open hours to buy our farm fresh beef that is available in our freezer along with our hamburger or call us / email us to place an order.

Your support of our local small business and farm is greatly appreciated.

Special Cuts Offered

  • T-bone $14.99 per pound
  • Bone in rib eye steak $16.99 per pound
  • Porterhouse steak $16.99 per pound
  • New York sirloin steak $12.99 per pound
  • Tenderloin steak $24.99 per pound
  • Sirloin tip steak $13.99 per pound
  • Shank for soup $3.99 per pound
  • Boneless chuck roast $7.99 per pound
  • Boneless stew meat $7.99 per pound
  • London Broil $9.99 per pound
  • Steak tips $13.99
  • Brisket $10.99 per pound
  • Short Ribs $9.99 per pound
  • Roast $7.99
  • Minute steak $6.99
  • Top round steak $7.99